The core idea of ‘Kings are made overnight over nights’ rang true for this Influencer generation, where on the surface it looks like everyone – from a gaming influencer in Nagpur to a baker in Delhi – is enjoying their 15 seconds of fame but actually countless nights and work go into finally getting enough views, followers, and that fame. The line suited the product as well because Budweiser takes longer than any other beer to brew and that’s why it is smoother. 

In the film, the thought is represented by Siddhant Chaturvedi – a budding Bollywood star – as he takes us through his journey in the form of a thank you speech. 

But what started out as a thought that represents Indian youth and its preferred beer soon became a truth that was quite universal in nature. The thought was so well-received that it was adapted for Bud’s US campaign and versions of the line have been used for many Bud campaigns across the globe, including campaigns with Halsey and Messi.